Thursday, 22 September 2011


Maroon manners
You know,i think this overhyped country of hours is terribly,well,overhyped.i know that i may earn my self too much popularity from patriots,but looking at it from this angle of view,it is probably a good thing,since im a kenyan,and we are so everything-savvy .when you come to  think of it,we throw all types of tantrums,no wonder we keep throwing up in the dusty roadsides of our country.we so much love tantrums that our preachers,politicians and two ,three,four or even 44 principals go  sick when they realise that it has been ages since they threw their last collective tantrum,then go falling over themselves arrenging joint press conferences to tell us more and more  lies and less and less facts. 
Our maroon manners are everywhere,and they are the only household  name,the only true one,a far cry from our truly,truly kenyan product,our very slow,flegling athletes who can  conspire to kill their wives,bt never get around to doing it.
Our very maroon manners are most evident in our maroon dressed bus conductors.Theykick us allover our dusty roads,and they never have seats,leave alone rooms,for apologies.I think in this country we are so blessed,with all the wrong skills.Our toutsare louts ,and the real loots have been rendered jobless,and subjected to overpayment,and idling of time in our unhallowed parliamentary chambers(don’t ask,I have no idea  what those are).
Touts are the cream and grime of this country,you see.And touts,mistakenbly given the name conductors,which is way above them(or should we make matters harder and say that they are way below it ),don’t just sit and idle.They wash cars,they smoke already smoked cigarettes,or evev fight amogst themselves.Most importantly,when they have nothing to do,they just engage in their favourite pastime:Harrasing and shouting at the not-so-innocent passengers who happen to suffer the misfortune of using public ‘means of’t ransport.

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